Sustainable Solutions

As a separate project organization of teltec systems ag, we provide consulting and proposals for sustainable solutions aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals

Value proposition

We enable low-carbon technology transfer in developing countries by linking innovative ideas with local needs, providing effective and efficient leverage for global climate change mitigation and global sustainable development. This includes low carbon Technology Transfer Services and a Toolbox (incl. agile project management, lean prototyping, roadmapping) for Developing Countries that allow to effectively and efficiently build up missing assimilation capabilities and capacities for their homebased low carbon technology solution to enter CO2 Compensation Project Markets on a project-based contract.

Our customers

Entrepreneurs and existing companies in developing countries seeking interdisciplinary expertise for low carbon solutions

  • for transport (road and sea)
  • for electricity provision (including storage)
  • for heating and cooling in cities and industry (e.g. heat pumps)

Startups in Indonesia that have already a business plan for low carbon solutions (e.g. solar boat concepts)

  • Solarboat Maritime Indonesia (SMI) for building a light solar fishing boat

Key activities

  • Actor coordination, networking
  • Consulting and co-creation (design thinking, engineering, prototyping)
  • Training and after sale services
  • Industry research for tailored decarb solutions
  • Resource orchestration and agile project management
  • Toolbox and software interface development and refinement
Project Overview

Solar Electric Fisher Boat for Indonesia

We develop an efficient full solar electric boat for fishery in Indonesia, to reduce CO2 emission, damage to the environment and the fish ecosystem, while helping the small-scale fishermen to improve their income.


Read more about this:

Key members

Thomas Anner

CEO teltec systems and Board Member / consultant of Swiss Indonesian Business Partnership

Markus Tellenbach

Management and Board Member teltec systems

Christian Adniegoro

Chairman of Swiss Indonesian Business Partnership and Project Leader at GE

Mark Wüest

Solar boat designer and builder, founder and technical manager of MW-Line SA

Silvia Ulli-Beer, Dr. oec.

Co-Lead of the Research Program Sustainable Energy Systems of the ZHAW School of Engineering, Lecturer for Innovation and Sustainable Business Models

Felix Pasila

Founder Solarboat Marine Indonesia (SMI), Assoc. Prof. In Electrical Engineering UK Petra

Roche Alimin

CEO Solarboat Marine Indonesia (SMI), Mechanical Engineering Dept UK Petra, as lecturer (assistant prof.)

Team project experience

  • Renewable Energy Entrepreneurship Initiative in Saudi Arabia
  • Intensive workshop “Successful Investing in Renewable Energies”
  • Study on Energy poverty – causes and effects
  • PMO, Sourcing Actor coordination, networking, Administration
  • Large scale SPP Sterling Engine for Industrial Energy Efficiency
  • Repowering of Steam Power Plants
  • Studies on Energy Strategies & Polices and Energy Storage System
  • Constructed more than 30 solar boats for public transportation, private customers and experimental initiatives
  • First solar-powered vessel to complete a transatlantic crossing.
  • Applied Research on „Energy Technology Change“ and „Future Energy System“
  • Energy-Strategy Development and Assessment at the local, regional and industrial level
  • Sociotechnical Evaluation of Regional Energy Systems
  • Long-term Policy Analysis and Assessment in support of Sustainable Energy Systems
  • 23 Applied patents, 7 Granted patents, 1 PCT patent, 3 Copyrights
  • Founder and CEO PT Rumah Inovasi Pasila, Co-founder: PT DMOI, Solar Boat, iCreditto , Indobuoy, Optimux , Widya Lectro , Covid Eliminator, XR Institute